Q - Is Silverplume Press a typical book publisher?

A - No. We don't publish with the intent of reselling books or any of the content. We publish for you, your family, and your close circle of friends. You own the rights and you determine the audience, the binding and design, the number of books produced. We do not sell or distribute any books other than what we deliver to you.  

Q - How do you conduct the interviews?

A - We conduct the interviews by phone, Skype, Zoom, Google Chat, or in-person (in the SF Bay Area). Before the interviewing process, together, we zero in on what you'd like to focus on. Silverplume Press then creates a specific set of questions to use as the launching point for your interview(s). More questions, particularly follow-up questions, emerge during the actual interview.  

Q - What is the final product?

A - We offer a variety of printing and binding options based on the nature of your project, your preferences, and the intended audience. Options include leather-bound, soft-cover, or even a simple print-out in a binder. We also offer digital versions of your project. 

Q - Who is the credited author of my memoir? 

A -  You are listed as the author of the memoir. In a memoir you create with us from start to finish, Silverplume Press is acknowledged as providing help. Silverplume Press effectively functions as your ghostwriter. 

Q - Who owns the rights?

 A - You do.  As the main author, you own the copyright and all rights to the materials. 

Q - What if I've already written a memoir and need help getting it to a finished state?

 A - We can help with editing, polishing, design, formatting, and printing. 

Q - What voice is the memoir written in? 

 A - Typically, the memoir will be written in first-person voice, though third or a combination of first and third might be used depending on content and your preference. 

Q - Can I update or expand my memoir?

 A - Yes.  We agree on a scope of a service, complete a project, and then you own the materials to do as you please.  

Q - Can I add photos to my memoir and/or genealogical charts/information?

 A - Yes. A variety of layout, binding, and book design options are available.   

Q - How long does the process take from start to finish?

 A - The duration can range from one month to many months depending on the scope.  You'll get a better sense of the timeline once we discuss your project and confirm options.  At one point in the process, you will receive and be able to review a proposal with a suggested timeline. 

Q- Does Silverplume Press provide historical research? 

A - We can do supplemental historical research if desired by a client. 

Q - How is pricing determined?

 A - Prices depend on the scope of the services and are calculated on hourly rates. For all projects, the fees depend on the nature of the work involved. After the free initial consultation, we will provide you with a written proposal with a timeline and cost estimates for you to review.  

Q - Have another question?  

 A - Email us at jenny@silverplumepress.com, and we'll get back to you.  You can also contact us via email to request a free phone consultation to address any questions you have and to talk about the ways we can help you tell your story.